(386) 235-8568
     Palm Coast, Florida


Florida Firearm Training


Serving the
Greater Daytona and Central Florida Areas

                          Specializing in Training For The New Gun Owner


* Pistol *
* Rifle *
* Shotgun *

Course Calendar

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Firearm Safety Rules



Personal Defense Training Courses
Educational training, proficiency development and skills refinement for responsible law abiding citizens.

Knowledge is power, wisdom is how you use that power.

Street Smart Personal Defense
$55    Instruction Time: 3.0 Hours    Range Time: 0 Hours
This course is normally a continuation of a "First Steps" or "Basic Shooting" course but there is no requirement for any prerequisites.  Classroom instruction covers defensive techniques to defend one's self in the public spectrum.  No live fire or range exercises are required.  However, firearm props will be utilized to complete the exercises. 

The course is emphasizes the options of "how to get out of" a situation: flight instead of fight, using tactical street smarts.  However, there are situations that "flight" is not an option, therefore we will certainly cover the techniques requiring to defend yourself when standing your ground.  The course will cover: minimizing one's self as a target of opportunity; deescalating a confrontational disagreement; analyzing escape routes, maneuvering into the most opportune position, points of cover and refuge; drawing a firearm from concealment; discharging a firearm to stop a perpetuator.  Other tools such as pepper spray/gel, taser and stun guns will be discussed.  Florida Statutes will also be reviewed, concerning the use of deadly force to defend one's self outside the home environment.

Self Defense In The Home
$55    Instruction Time: 3.0 Hours    Range Time: 0 Hours
This course also usually follows a "First Steps" course but there is no requirement for the completion of prerequisites.  We will cover defensive and offensive techniques to defend one's self and others in the home, utilizing a firearm.  Techniques using both handguns and shotguns will be included.

Subjects covered will be: Making a plan, role responsibilities for all in the home; most opportune locations to hide; analyzing escape routes, ammunition and shooting from cover.  Florida statutes concerning personal defense in the home will also be reviewed and discussed concerning the use of deadly force to defend one's self in the home.
Dept of Homeland Security
Active Shooter - Personal Defense In The Work Place
Cost: FREE
    Instruction Time: 4.0 Hours    Range Time: 0 Hours
This course is primarily designed to be presented in an open forum for employees or the general public.  The presentation covers life saving techniques to survive when there is an active shooter occupying a building or the vicinity where you are at.  Subjects that will be discussed: Preparing a plan for an active shooter situation; recognition of potential workplace violence; profile of an active shooter; how to respond when an active shooter is in your vicinity; how to respond when law enforcement arrives onsite; and what to do once the active shooter(s) is/are incapacitated.
NRA Refuse To Be A Victim
$35    Instruction Time: 3.0 Hours    Range Time: 0 Hours
This course does not use deadly force when defending one's self.  Tactics for both in the home and outside the home will be discussed.  Subjects and material covered will start with minimizing one's self as a target, avoidance of confrontational situations, using pepper spray/gel, stun gun and taser.
Florida 790.06
Cost: FREE
    Instruction Time: 1.5 Hours    Range Time: 0 Hours
A presentation and review of Florida law that is conducive of carrying a concealed weapon or firearm.
Lawful Self Defense Using Deadly Force - Florida
Cost: FREE
    Instruction Time: 3.0 Hours    Range Time: 0 Hours
This is an open forum review and discussion of Florida law concerning "Stand Your Ground" and what is considered to be lawful for a person in Florida defending themselves (or significant others), using deadly force, such as a firearm.


Using a firearm in self defense
is the most expensive bullet to fire.

Lethal or Deadly Force
Force that is likely to cause
death or significant bodily harm.


The principle that ONLY APPLIES to innocent people
who are attacked outside of their home or business.


 United Safety of America